martes, 27 de enero de 2015

New cycle.

1.    What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes?
I learnt to write in a blog, and comment to my classmates, I’ve had a similar experience last year, but now was better because I was more responsible. That experience makes me to know more to my classmates. I think I learn more English in these classes, because I was concentrate in learn, and was the only thing I’ve been doing.

2.    What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?
The aspects I still have to improve is listening and pronunciation, because I think I understand when I read and I can write too, but listening is difficult for me, I must see films in English language and to listen to music and to try to sing. That is the mission for the future, but now I would like to rest of English.

3.    What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.

I’m going to work in the house of my father, because I want to repair it, because it is abandoned, for my father live with my mother in her house, then I would like to live here alone and for that I need to repair some windows, doors and to paint the walls. I like the idea, I feel very happy and excited because the house it’s in the countryside and I want to be quiet because I’m going to work in my thesis.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

An artist I admire.

Hello classmates,
Today I’m going to talk you about an artist I admire. I knew him recently, a few months ago. One day when I was talked with my teacher, he asked me if I would know to Anselm Kiefer, because my work is similar to his work, however I didn’t know him. Then my teacher lent me a book about Anselm Kiefer’s work. I liked it so much, for his works are incredible, I like the colors, texture and all material he used. Anselm Kiefer is a German painter and sculptor, and he usually incorporate materials such as straw, ash, clay, lead, and shellac. The poems of Paul Celan have played a role in developing Kiefer's themes of German history and the horror of the Holocaust, as have the spiritual concepts of Kabbalah. Themes from Nazi rule are particularly reflected in his work; for example, the painting "Margarethe" (oil and straw on canvas) was inspired by Paul Celan's well-known poem "Todesfuge" ("Death Fugue"), other work is Morgenthau Plan and you can see it below. His paintings are very big like six for five meters, maybe. I think, he must be a very passionate and obsessive person. I like this artist because I have never had an example before, which I can resort to.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Have you ever...?

·            Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
     Yes, I have. All the holidays I walk to the mountain with my family, but the 
    last summer my brother invited me to practice rappel in the crags of the mountain. He is military and he has done mountain climbing in the military. We walk to the highest, and he took the equipment and he taught how to use it, and we descend by the rocks. That was a very exited experience! I felt
       a rush of adrenalin!!

·              Have you ever ridden a horse?
   Yes I have. When I was a child I rode a horse, because in my house in the       countryside there are a lot of horses, but one time I was a bad experience       because I ever rode with my father, and he let me rode alone and the horse was very wild and I felt horror. I hope to ride a horse now for to get over that trauma.  

·           Have you ever been mugged?
  Yes I have. Here in Santiago in my first year. One day I was to buy materials near to Bellavista with a friend, and when we got back, we walked for Parque forestal in the night and showed up three guys and they mugged us. The worst was that they mugged the camera to my friend, so bad experience.

·        ·         Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes I have. When I was a child with my brother played to fire a rifle. We hung a lot of used light bulbs in the trees and we practiced our aim with that, because we tried to break them. We entertained a lot with this game.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Few films

I haven´t seen  many films in my live, because I´m from countryside, and I didn´t have Internet and in Linares there are not cinema. Then I usually saw movies in the normal channels in the TV, as Mega, TVN, Chilevision, etc. Some movies I haven´t seen, and I haven´t liked, are "Forrest Gump" directed by Robert Zemeckis, I haven´t seen more films he has made, but I like this movie, because the protagonist is modest and he live a lot of enjoyable and painful experiences. I found it so exiting. Other film I liked when I saw one Sunday´s afternoon in Mega when I was young (jajja) was Big Fish directed by Tim Burton, I have seen some other movies directed my him as "Charlie en la fábrica de chocolates", "Edward Scissorhands", etc. And I liked too. One of my favorite scenes was when the protagonist, Edward Bloom, go to see for Sandra  and he put a lot of yellow flowers in her garden. Now I have gone to see more films but I didn´t like so much. Can you recommend a movie? Please :)

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

My opinion

What is your opinion about abstract art?

I agree with this form of art, ever this not to be an excuse. Before I dislike this art, but then I knew some artists as Jackson Pollok and I valued this way of art, because you can intuit the corporal expression of the artist when he made his painting.

What is your opinion about women in the military?

I agree, because I think all the people can do it everything that he/ she wants, if that decision makes happy to the person. Women are strong and intelligent like men.

What is your opinion about climate change?

I disagree but I think it is inevitable; the people all days destroy the world. I remember one good thing about climate change, when I was a child; in winter one day snowed, in this place never had snowed before. Global warming´s grace I thought.

What is your opinion about recycling?

I agree. I hope, in the future Chile will be a country with recycling culture like other countries of the world.  The people throw a lot of litter, clothes, food, etc. When this thing could be recycled or reutilized.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I agree because I think all the people have right for to do it anything he/she wants with he/she body and life. If a woman decide have an abortion, she is free for to do it, she knows what is proper for her, and her life; but she needs professional help.

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015


1. What's your general evaluation?

I think it was a great year for me. I found a matter and I began to develop it, I was very happy for that, because in Art is difficult find your own theme. My family was healthy, and my sisters was good at school. 

2. What about work or studies?

At studies, everything was nice, and then I was quiet. I worked so much in the first semester, and I got good result. But the second semester I had  a deep reflexion about my artist work, and I didn't many works, but I felt my project was successful. And now I have energy for to follow developing my experiments.

3. What was the best of 2014?

The best of 2014 was I decided I going to go to live to my house this 2015 to develop my thesis.
I was in my home in October, and I thought I really needed was inhabit a space mine, because I rented in Santiago. And I bought paint and other things for to repair it.

4. What was the worst? (something to improve or forget)

The worst of 2014 was my grandmother death, I felt so sad, because I never lost a relative before, but I  caught up to say goodbye to her. My mother was very sad and angry because I not traveled for her funeral. 

martes, 30 de diciembre de 2014


Hi classmates!
Today I want to write about a country I want to visit. Since I was a child I liked to practice trekking with my parents and my brother and sister. We walked to the mountain every holidays and the most wonderful, I think, was to be there, because I could see the whole landscape from that height. One day, with my father, we watched in the TV a report about Machu Picchu, the most famous Incan city. We liked it so much! My father likes the archaeology since ever, and I thought when I have money I would like to invite to my father and visit Peru together, and walk to the ruins of Machu Picchu, because I think it's incredible, and  so beautiful!  I can't to imagine how the Incas built that big city in that place so high, how they put those rocks on the mountain. I want to travel to  Peru I think that experience would be exited!!