jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

Few films

I haven´t seen  many films in my live, because I´m from countryside, and I didn´t have Internet and in Linares there are not cinema. Then I usually saw movies in the normal channels in the TV, as Mega, TVN, Chilevision, etc. Some movies I haven´t seen, and I haven´t liked, are "Forrest Gump" directed by Robert Zemeckis, I haven´t seen more films he has made, but I like this movie, because the protagonist is modest and he live a lot of enjoyable and painful experiences. I found it so exiting. Other film I liked when I saw one Sunday´s afternoon in Mega when I was young (jajja) was Big Fish directed by Tim Burton, I have seen some other movies directed my him as "Charlie en la fábrica de chocolates", "Edward Scissorhands", etc. And I liked too. One of my favorite scenes was when the protagonist, Edward Bloom, go to see for Sandra  and he put a lot of yellow flowers in her garden. Now I have gone to see more films but I didn´t like so much. Can you recommend a movie? Please :)

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